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[아리랑TV] 코로나19에 대한 젊은 성인들의 인식

조회수 813

코로나19에 대한 젊은 성인들의 인식

최기홍 대표(고려대학교 심리학부 교수)는 27일 오후 2시 '코로나19에 대한 젊은 성인들의 인식'이라는 주제로 아리랑TV 생방송에 이훈상 교수(연세대학교 공중보건대학원)와 아베 키쇼이 교수(간세인 가쿠이 대학 사회복지학부)와 함께 패널로 출연하여 토론을 펼쳤다. (중략)

The highly contagious Delta variant is spreading rapidly and there is a surge of infections among young adults in their 20s and 30s who have yet to be inoculated. Some young adults are rejecting COVID-19 vaccines or are hesitant, so we sit down with experts to find out how young people perceive COVID-19 and what kind of an impact such perception has on the spread of the virus. And we connect with a professor in Japan to find out in-depth about the spread of COVID-19 among young Japanese adults.

Medical staff and healthcare workers all over the world have been struggling to win the battle against COVID-19 for almost two years. Some medical staff are resigning from hospitals as they are mentally and physically worn out, and such a phenomenon is occurring frequently in the Philippines. We connect with the President of the Philippine Nurses Association to find out more about the current situation in the Philippines.

Guests In-StudioLEE Hoon-sang, Professor / Yonsei University Graduate School of Public HealthCHOI Kee-hong, Associate Professor / Department of Psychology, Korea University

Skype InterviewAbe KIYOSHI, Professor / School of Sociology and Social Work, Kwansei Gakuin UniversityMelbert B. REYES / President of the Philippine Nurses Association

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